Engineering & Product Modelling Class
This course will be a intense hands-on modelling class using different Rhino commands for the exercises. User will have the opportunity to learn and explore other techniques during the class. Advance surfacing commands, tools, curves, SubD topology will be used during the class.
Target audience:
The training class will be in a accelerated pace, learner must be prepare to move along.
Yes, it will be issue to you after class completion
Learn how to apply curves & surface tools
Clipping Plane showing the components of items
Different types of Surface Fillets
Checking Surface with Zebra commands
Example of the Heat-Sink model made with Solids boolean operation
Transform Tools use for water tap model
Shell thickness is apply
Translating from surface to solid command
Applying 3D Fillet radius
Course Outline overview
Learn to use and control Curve, control point, edit point
Learn to extract curves for re-modelling purpose
Applying surface tools effectively to build up
Manage mesh models and rebuild mesh ability
Edit, Repair and remodel mesh
Understand how solid commands and Transform tools
Modify surfaces with edit commands and Gumball
Learn difference between subd and surface modelling
Understand subd commands & translating to surface
Learn how to animate using Rhino basic functions
Learn how to export for 3D Printing requirements
Export to 2D Drawing and learn how to dimension
as well as many more useful example to be introduce during the training...
SubD modelling coverting to NURBS polysurface
Below are the information for this course.
FAQ - Learning Rhino?
If you do not have any 2D or 3D CAD software experience, do not be too concern...because we know that all essential courses are cater to everyone who has no or some background in CAD.
FAQ - Is the Classes session fix?
We will discuss with you on your time and arrangement, more importantly you are able to learn from it.
Below are the information for this course.
Enquiry of Dates, Registration & Course Fee : Click here
Using SubD to model effectively.